Andrew woke up that morning, extremely startled. The sound of his cell phone ringing at 4:00 AM was enough to turn an average day into an unpleasant one. He looked at the caller ID thinking that it would be a wrong number, but it wasn’t. It was his ex-wife, Emma. Andrew was furious. She continued to call at irregular hours of the day just so she could complain about her job, which was apparently why she wasn’t paying for child support. Well, he definitely wasn’t taking that call. He worked so many hours every week so he could take care of Spencer, their daughter. However, he knew he didn’t try hard enough. The divorce had been tough on Spencer, and he hadn’t made it any easier. He had been coming home late from parties, and waking up even later because of the amount of alcohol that had entered his system. Andrew moaned aloud. He turned on his side hoping sleep would take him for at least another two hours.
That morning, the annoying sound of Andrew’s alarm clock seemed to ring louder than usual, or maybe it was just the foul mood he was in. Whatever it was, he knew he wasn’t even half ready for the continuation of this day. When Andrew slumped down the stairs, he could see Spencer having her breakfast. Her brown hair was tied up in a neat bun and her make-up was already plastered to her pretty face. How did he end up with such a perfectionist for a daughter?
“Dad?” Spencer called.
“I need money for some workbooks at school. I know, I know. I already asked you last week for some cash, but do you think you could squeeze another $55 out from your wallet?” she asked worriedly.
“Sure, Spencer,” Andrew mumbled.
He wasn’t happy with all these back to school expenses. If Emma didn’t start paying for child support he was going to pull his own eyeballs out.
As Spencer left for school, Andrew’s blackberry rang one again. It was his boss, asking if he could work that weekend. It was Friday. He could find a way to rearrange his plans, so he told his boss yes.
Andrew was making dinner that night, while Spencer sat at the long, black table doing her math homework. Her face was in full concentration, and her eyes were tearing up, probably from all the garlic he had been tossing around in the old, black pan.
“Spencer, would it be okay if I worked this weekend? I might have to go out of town, but I can trust you to stay by yourself, right?”
“Dad, I’m fifteen. You should definitely not trust me,” Spencer joked. It made Andrew crack a smile, but he could see the corners of her mouth had dropped into a slight frown. He knew she was tired of being left behind. Her mother had acted more irresponsibly than Andrew had when has eighteen and foolish. Moving to Miami, Florida and living a careless life with her new boyfriend, she really took the prize for that one.
“I’m sorry I have to go,” Andrew said in an emotionless voice. Spencer just nodded and busied herself with the difficult math problems that she was assigned to do. Andrew set up the table and they ate in silence.
Once they both finished up with their rice and vegetables, Andrew announced that he had to go. He put his hand through his short, black hair. He seemed stressed, and his face looked forty, even though he was only thirty-four. Ever since the divorce, his body seemed to look and act older. Spencer did feel sympathy for him, but he didn’t seem all that empathetic towards her.
Andrew said his goodbyes to Spencer and headed out the back door. When was their garden ever going to look decent? He wondered. He got in his red, beat up Toyota. He absolutely hated this car. It always smelled like gas inside, but he couldn’t afford anything better. Sometimes he hated his life.
The weekend passed quickly for Andrew. It was a whirlwind of taking phone calls, writing things down on post-it notes, and fetching his boss lattes from the local coffee shop. Before he knew it, it was Monday afternoon, and it was time to go home. It was 4:30, meaning that Spencer would be probably be home. He had missed her.
Three hours later, he pulled into the driveway. He immediately noticed something different. Were their flowers on the side of the house? Oh my God! Was that Emma standing inside the house?
He could see Emma through the window, talking and laughing with Spencer. Emma’s long reddish-brown hair was down to her hips. She looked tan. Probably from all the Miami sun Andrew thought. He didn’t know why she was here. Maybe that’s why she called him, but then why wouldn’t she call again, especially if she was flying to Montreal?
As Andrew entered the room Emma gave him a big, comforting hug, and he could feel something slip into the back pockets of his jeans. It was a cheque. Finally she had paid for child support! Spencer sat on the sofa with a huge grin spread across her face. She must have been delighted to see her mom.
After Andrew had said his hellos to both girls, they began to walk to the end of the house.
“Where are you two going?” Andrew asked.
“Just follow us to the yard,” Emma said reassuringly.
When Andrew stepped outside his heart skipped a beat. Just when he had left Friday night, the garden contained only yellow grass. Now, as he looked around he could see that every little thing had been changed. The grass was a bright, healthy green. There were two small trees that had been planted! Their little leaves flowed in the soft wind. He could smell the freshness of everything around him. The birds seemed to chirp louder and more happily than usual. There were beautiful, colourful flowers all over the place! They even added a nice, wooden bench, and there was a canopy! Everything seemed so quaint and lovely. He thought he was dreaming.
“Did you do all this?” he asked slowly.
“It was Spencer’s genius idea. I just helped,” Emma replied.
“Wow, Spencer. You did all of this for me?” Andrew said surprised.
He suddenly felt awful for all the times he hadn’t been there for his daughter. She was the one who acted like an adult most of the time. He was stealing her teenage years! He was going to have a meltdown.
“I knew how much you hated it when the garden was sloppy, but you never had time to fix it up yourself,” Spencer said truthfully.
Andrew pulled Spencer into a tight hug. He looked around again. It was amazing! He would remember this moment forever.
After Andrew was finished frolicking around the garden, Emma left. Her late flight back to Miami was only in a couple of hours. He felt sad about her leaving, but he knew they were not good for each other. They were too young when they got married. He turned to see Spencer staring at him.
“You look funny when you’re thinking of Mom,” she said.
Andrew looked the other way. “How did you know who I was thinking about?” he said puzzled.
Andrew looked the other way. “How did you know who I was thinking about?” he said puzzled.
Spencer had already left the room. How was this daughter of his so intelligent? That he would never know.
Try adding a twist, or a little more detail to the characters. And maybe focus some of the immense discription on little things and place them more in the center of attention. ex: "the flower in the corner shone with the promise of a new day." where the flower is irrlevant to the fight taking place in the middle of the room "Casey`s fist met the wall with a bang, bringing a cloud of worry over his fragile mother`s face."
ReplyDeleteJust saying...sorry